
Innovative Technology and Data Management Practices for Conservation


Matthew Gabley – EVSolutions


Gavin Hough – EVSolutions


Image processing is a powerful tool which, when correctly applied, can be used to track a variety of objects. At EVS, code has been developed in order to track a marine buoy to measure wave height. A project in development aims to use a device attached to the buoy in order to move from tracking only in daylight hours to tracking 24/7. Elements of the code are well suited to tracking bird flight as well as tracking movement of larger sea creatures. EVS will demonstrate the live video tracking of birds, buoys and other creatures, and how to convert pixel movement into real movement in centimetres and metres. These methods will be illustrated to show surfers, whales, dolphins and other marine animals moving through the water. Another area of interest is that of tracking the movement of birds, with a focus on the vulture conservation in the Drakensberg. Using a well-positioned camera, these methods can track vulture movements in and out of nests in order to more effectively employ already used conservation methods.